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two lacrosse players going for the ball
Maximum Visual Performance logo

We specialize in enhancing your visual skills to elevate your athletic performance. Our comprehensive assessments identify your current visual capabilities, allowing us to tailor a training program that meets your specific needs. With a focus on eye tracking, coordination, depth perception, and more, we utilize cutting-edge technology and targeted exercises to help you achieve peak visual performance. Join us to unlock your full potential and gain a competitive edge in your sport!

What Happens in Sports Vision Training?

We utilize vision training exercises and the latest technology to push your visual skills to their max performance levels.

image of Synaptic Strobe Training glasses

Senaptic Strobe Training

The Senaptec Strobe is designed to train the connections between an individual’s eyes, brain, and body. Strobe training interrupts visual information and forces the individual to improve visual processing efficiency. Strobe training can be integrated into training drills and exercises for almost any sport.

Image of Synaptic Sensory Station

Synaptic Sensory Station

The Sensory Station is a state-of-art sensory evaluation & training station which assesses 10 visual and sensorimotor skills. In less than 25 minutes, you can determine an individual’s strengths and opportunities and create a training program to improve visual and sensory performance.

Image of FitLight trainer in use by adult man


The FITLIGHT Trainer™ system is a unique wireless reaction training system comprised of LED powered lights. The lights are used as targets and can be adapted and configured for all sports and training regimes. This training system is designed to enhance visual reaction time, speed, agility, and coordination.

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