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Collaboration is essential to us. We partner with various entities to achieve shared goals and create a greater impact together. The organizations and literature featured here are worthy of your attention, and they may become a resource to you as well.
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Books To Explore
Fixing My Gaze
Written by neuroscientist Susan R. Barry, this book provides a detailed description of her journey to achieve three dimensional stereovision after participating in vision therapy treatment at the age of 48. The combination of her neuroscience background and her own personal struggle with strabismus provides great insight and is a wonderful resource for anyone affected by strabismus.
Red Flags for Elementary Teachers
About 10 million children have difficulties learning to read. Visual-motor performances and learning are linked. In one study, 51% of students who passed an eye chart screening still had vision problems that affected their ability to perform at their full potential in the classroom. As many as one in five Kindergarten and first grade children have unfinished developmental patterns, which makes it difficult to stay focused in school. Katie Johnson's classroom strategies can help these students.
The Ghost In My Brain
An insightful account of the experiences faced by professor Clark Elliott, Ph.D. through his long recovery from a traumatic brain injury. This book provides a great understanding of the struggles faced by individuals who have suffered a concussion and is a wonderful read for any professionals, family members, or individuals affected by a TBI. Highlighted in his story is the positive impact that neuro-optometric rehab had in his recovery and how this treatment helped restore his visual system and regain his personal and professional life.
When Your Child Struggles
A great resource for parents and teachers! This book clearly outlines the visual skills required, beyond having 20/20 vision, for success in the classroom. It provides readers with an understanding of the important role vision plays in learning and the difficulties that can arise from impairments in these visual skills.
The Hidden Link Between Vision and Learning
Written by an education consultant specializing in vision-related learning problems, metacognition, and environmental education Wendy Beth Rosen brings to light the crucial connection between our visual system and learning. As a certified early childhood educator and elementary teacher, Wendy discusses the underlying complex visual skills that, when not functioning properly, can result in learning-related difficulties that often mimic other conditions. This book provides the knowledge to better understand the more than two dozen visual skills that are involved in the learning process and how their dysfunction can impact a child's success in, as well as outside of, the classroom.
See It. Say It. Do It.
A wonderful resource for educators, parents, and professionals that offers tools and strategies to improve visual skills needed for everyday activities. Provides a variety of fun games and approaches to enhance the development of visual skills needed for reading, writing, and playing sports.
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